Cynosure.X International LLC


Movie Info

Do you have a lot of movies on your hard drive? But you can't remember what some of them are about? Drag and drop your movie files onto Movie Info, and it will transport you to The Internet Movie Database instantly.

Movie Info works by taking the file name of your movies and searching it in The Internet Movie Database with Google. So, for this utility to work, you just have to make sure you name your movie files accurately.

Movie Info works on Windows computers.

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New: Movie Info 1.0 is now available. The current build is 2009-10-11. See Change Log.

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After downloading the archive, open the ZIP file and double-click on the Install.bat. The software will install itself in "Program Files". It will add itself to the Start menu and your desktop.

An uninstall script is installed at the same time. You can uninstall Movie Info at any time by clicking on "Uninstall" in the Start menu.

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