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Turn Off Warning/Error Reporting Temporary in PHP

Sometimes, your server side scripts performs operation that are not guaranteed to succeed all the time. For example, connection to another remote service. When the operation fails, PHP provides a warning or a error message. But that message is shown to the web user and may contain sensitive information that you don't want your visitor to see. The trick to prevent leaking sensitive information in this situation is to temporarily turn off the warning and error messages. Following is an example of how to do it:

$cerl = error_reporting ();
error_reporting (0);
. . .
sensitive operation go here.
. . .
error_reporting ($cerl);

The first line asks for the current error reporting level and stores it. The second line disables all warning and error display. Finally, the last line sets the error reporting level back to the way it is.

Chieh Cheng
Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:03:27 +0000

I just learned about the error_reporting function today, since it helped me remove a harmless warning that was showing up on a website. Also learned about the "@" operator. Good source of info right here on this topic: . . .

Thanks for the post!

Sat, 08 Dec 2012 14:51:18 +0300

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