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Quick Way to Circumvent "exit" Call

Recently I came across some PHP codes where the developer(s) of the code littered "exit" all through out, where errors/exceptions/failures occur. (This technique seems to be the trend for many MySQL/PHP software as well.) That technique made the code difficult to extend and embed into other functionality, because PHP execution would stop immediately upon encountering the "exit" call.

The best solution is to re-architecture the execution flow with structured programming and eliminating all "exit" calls. However, that will be an expensive expenditure for this pre-existing software. Luckily with PHP 5.3, there is an easy way out.

The easy way is to use the "goto" statement with a label. (Yes. I know "goto" is a taboo against structured programming. And for once in my life, I am grateful that it is a part of PHP 5.3 and later.) By placing a "end:" label at the end of the source code execution (each source file), a simple search-and-replace of "exit;" with "goto end;" did the trick.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 30 Mar 2011 22:41:31 +0000

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