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Increasing PHP Maximum Upload Size

Running a Linux Apache server using PHP. Seems like there are two ways to change PHP upload size... Depends on which Linux distribution I use, the server respects one over the other. I think in some instances, you might actually have to set both. It's not clear why one setting is chosen over the other. But just be aware of both methods:

1. Via php.ini

You can create a "php.ini" file in the sub-directory where you want to increase the maximum upload size. Then put the following two lines into it:

  post_max_size = 10M ;
upload_max_filesize = 10M ;

The example increases the maximum upload size to 10 megabytes. You can change that number to whatever you want.

2. Via .htaccess

You can create a ".htaccess" file in the sub-directory where you want to increase upload size to occur. Put the following two lines into the file:

  php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value post_max_size 10M

Again, the example increases the upload size to 10 megabytes. You can change the number to something more suitable for you.

Sun, 15 Feb 2015 22:07:42 +0300

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