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MagicMenu Works Great For Years, But Suddenly Stopped FunctioningMagicmenu worked great for years to hide the finder menu but suddenly stopped functioning. However, it does work if I boot under safe mode. I tried to eliminate all startup items to no avail. Any suggestions regarding what the problem or conflict might be? It worked under 10.6.8 up until about Feb. 2012. vic Did you get an Mac OS X update recently? Say in February? Does it effect all applications? Or just one application? Pick an application, such as Firefox. Apply MagicMenu to it again. Does it work now? Or is it still not working? Mel I have always just used it to eliminate the menu in the finder not with any applications. When used in conjunction with both camouflage and cursorcerer, MagicMenu had provided a full screen, clean desktop picture on my laptop. Now it no longer works even when those other programs are not loaded at startup. A security update was issued on Feb. 1 so that might be the cause. But, as I mentioned MagicMenu works fine in safe mode with that update installed. vic Have you tried to turn MagicMenu off on the Finder and then MagicMenu on again to see if it works? Mel I have tried a lot of things. MagicMenu will only turn off/on in safe mode. I tried reinstalling the system, restoring from backup, manually fiddling with the info.plist etc. Something strange is going on but I am out of ideas. If no one else is having problems it might be specific to my setup. vic If you are already down at the level of changing info.plist, then I suspect Apple has closed the door on you. There isn't anything special that MagicMenu is doing to the info.plist that you probably aren't already doing. You can try rolling back the update and see if it solves the problem. Mel Working again!!! I saw a tip by Dimmer that the security update problems can be rectified by deinstalling Xcode . . . I ran an Xcode uninstall using the terminal according to . . . and MagicMenu started working after a restart. Curiously however, Xcode is still present on my Mac. vic That's great to hear! Thanks for sharing your solution with us. Mel
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