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MagicMenu 2.0

MagicMenu 2.0: It works great for me in Leopard for iTunes, but having problems in my up-to-date Tiger machine, where the menu won't hide.

Fri, 27 Mar 2009 21:04:57 +0000

Please provide exact version number for your Leopard and your Tiger installations. That will help me diagnose the problem. You can find the exact version number in "Apple Menu" -> "About This Mac". Thanks.

Chieh Cheng
Fri, 27 Mar 2009 23:00:23 +0000

Guys, might you put this on more folk should know about this little app - absolutely brilliant. thanks so much for nailing this - it was one of my last perennial gripes re osx ...

Thu, 09 Apr 2009 09:13:26 +0000

I've been looking for this thing for AGES!! This is awesome!

Two downsides though (other than the keychain problem):
1) Spotlight won't work when the menu bar is hidden (i use it a lot to quickly launch apps).
2) I haven't managed to make it work in any app other than the Finder. I can't seem figure out how to associate the scripts with apps. The Library won't open and I've tried using iKey to launch the scripts while the desired app is in the foreground and also tried making dock shortcuts and accessing those while the desired app is in focus. No luck. :/

A�alsteinn Atli Gu�mundsson
Tue, 28 Apr 2009 01:23:35 +0000

What's iKey? How does it work? Have you tried to simply drag-and-drop your application directly onto the script(s)? How about trying to restart the application?

Chieh Cheng
Tue, 28 Apr 2009 06:40:44 +0000

Thanks for your response, dropping the app onto the script worked like a charm. I somehow thought I only needed to run the script with the desired app in the foreground. :)

iKey is a macro app similar to the Automator that's included with OS X. I made it so that when I enter a keystroke the script would run, but it somehow didn't work. I haven't used iKey in ages and it may very well have disappeared when Automator showed up.

The spotlight search thing still doesn't work though. Typing cmd+space should normally make it pop up, but now nothing happens - It is now only accessible by mouse. Other Finder keystrokes (new window, new folder, close window, eject volume etc...) work fine.

A�alsteinn Atli Gu�mundsson
Fri, 01 May 2009 22:48:48 +0000

hmm.... can't get any of em to work at all. Plus you have to enter your password every time you click on one of the applescripts.
Isn't there something a little simpler that you can put in your startup items that works when you hit a certain key combination?

Mon, 27 Jul 2009 17:20:45 +0000

You have to enter your password, because changing the application functionality is an administration task. You can make your life easier by dragging multiple applications at a time over to MagicMenu. That way you only have to enter the password once for all applications.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 18:33:52 +0000

It would be really useful to know which plist files are being modified, and even more so to know what the Terminal commands are for these changes.

Fox Mulder
Wed, 29 Jul 2009 04:11:23 +0000

It's all documented in the "Related Links" section on the MagicMenu web page.

Chieh Cheng
Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:27:14 +0000

Cannot uninstall your app. completely. It still has control of the menu. Can sometimes get to Spotlight, but only thru keyboard shortcut, and that only sometimes; no mouse click at all for Spotlight. The program itself, except uninstall,worked fine. Just wanted to uninstall and reinstall, to see how friendly the program is. It is not friendly. What files do you modify, how many? There is no file "Info.MagicMenu". Plist files show nothing remains of magicmenu yet it is still in control of menu: ie, menu still hides/finds with mouse. What other files am I not finding? (I do like the program, don't like unfriendly uninstall). OS X is vrs. 10.4.11/PPC/g5.

Sun, 02 Aug 2009 18:54:25 +0000

Simply uninstalling MagicMenu will not turn off the auto-hide feature. You have to use MagicMenu to turn off the feature for the specific app(s) first. Then uninstall MagicMenu.

Chieh Cheng
Mon, 03 Aug 2009 03:58:57 +0000

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Title: Magic Menu 2.0: Menu Returns After Fullscreen Mode in Firefox/YouTube
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: When going into fullscreen mode in apps such as firefox with youtube and itunes with visualizers, and then returning to normal screen mode the menu bar returns to auto-hide off...
Tracked: Sat, 11 Jul 2009 16:47:14 +0000

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