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Changing File Name Extension on Windows Mobile 5

I have an Verizon XV6700 PDA phone. It's running Microsoft Windows Mobile 5. With the Belkin Wireless Infrared Keyboard I have, the phone and keyboard combination could almost match a full-fledge personal computer. I use it to take notes, write articles, remote access to my server, and surf the web. It's almost good enough. But for a power user, such as a software developer, the included File Explorer needs some improvement.

For example, I have been routinely frustrated with its inability to display file name extension. What's worse is that the operating system is targeting business and casual users. Therefore, it does not allow you to rename file extensions at all. And there is no way to associate extensions with file types.

What all that means is if I have any sort of documents without the extension ".txt" or ".doc", Windows Mobile 5 will not recognize them, therefore will not open them in Word Mobile for editing. That is really a pain when I'm out in the middle of no where and wanting to edit some of my C++ or Java programs (".cc" and ".java" extension). Hey, some times I do my best developments away from my desk.

But having found the free Mysaifu JVM (Java Virtual Machine) changed my workflow (see "Installing Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5" elsewhere on this site). You see, with Mysaifu JVM, I could actually run Multi-Files Rename (MFR), a file rename utility I written for Java, on Windows Mobile 5. The beauty is that MFR can change file name extensions on this handheld operating system. With MFR, I can change the ".java" extension to ".txt" for editing. And then change the ".txt" extension back to ".java" for compiling. It's an awesome ability that wasn't feasible on Windows Mobile 5 before.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 15:49:49 -0700

Installing MFR on Windows Mobile 5

To install Multi-Files Rename (available on this site), you'll have to download the zip archive file first and extract the content. After extraction, move the "Multi-Files Rename" directory to your storage card. I suggest putting the directory under "\Storage Card\Program Files\". That is the same directory where I asked you to install Mysaifu JVM in the "Installing Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5" article. Next, insert the storage card into your Windows Mobile 5 device.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 15:51:50 -0700

Installing MFR in Mysaifu JVM

Start Mysaifu JVM as usual. You'll be presented with the "Execute Java Application" screen. Select "Class" as the "Type". Then enter "MFR" in the "Name" entry field. The "Execute" button will be enabled at this point. But don't click on it. You'll have to tell Mysaifu JVM where to find MFR.

Click on the "Options..." button. You will be presented with a new dialog. Leave the "Command line arguments" field blank. Eliminate all of the string that defaulted in the "CLASSPATH" field. Now, click on "Add folder..." button. Select "Pocket_PC\Storage Card\Program Files\Multi-Files Rename". Click "ok" to select. Then click "ok" again to go back to the execution screen.

Finally, click on the "Execute" button to run MFR; which will also save the MFR profile you just created.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 15:52:20 -0700

Ready-Made MFR Profile

If you have installed MFR on Windows Mobile 5 in the same directory that I recommended above, you can download the ready-made profile (attached below). Simply download this profile and place it in "\My Device\Storage Card\Program Files\Mysaifu JVM\recent". After doing so, it will automatically show up in the Mysaifu JVM Recent List for execution.

Attached File: MFR.mysaifujvm (58 B)

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 16:54:28 -0700

Running MFR on Windows Mobile 5

Once you have MFR configured in Mysaifu JVM, you can execute it again by loading Mysaifu JVM and selecting MFR in the "Recent List".

Adding MFR to the Start Menu

To make the execution of MFR even easier, you can add the MFR profile to the Start Menu on your Windows Mobile 5 device. Simply copy MFR from "\My Device\Storage Card\Program Files\Mysaifu JVM\recent" to "\My Device\Windows\Start Menu". You can even go a step further and copy it into "My Device\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" as well.

Chieh Cheng
Thu, 05 Jul 2007 16:55:13 -0700

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Title: Installing Mysaifu JVM on Windows Mobile 5
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: It's been a while since I used J2ME. The last time I used it was developing applications for Palm OS. But since then, the world has moved on. Now there are tons of new devices running Microsoft Windows Mobile. And I have recently gotten a Verizon XV6700 PDA Phone that runs Windows Mobile 5. I want t . . .
Tracked: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 16:02:41 -0700

Title: Power Explorer: Change Log
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: Version 1.0 Just released the first version, which performs most basic file manager operations (see below). One feature that Windows Mobile users can't do without is the ability to see and change file extensions. Directory Operations: Create Directory Delete Tree Remov . . .
Tracked: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 07:03:22 +0000

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