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Heroes of Neverwinter - Accept Gifts

This AutoHotkey script accepts gifts in the "Heroes of Neverwinter" Facebook app for you, saving you the trouble of clicking the "Accept" and "OK" button multiple times. You will need to install the AutoHotkey software (free) for this script to work.

How to Use

While the "Heroes of Neverwinter" app is running in your browser, enter "My House". Then click on the "Chest of Wonders". While the "Chest of Wonders" is open, double-click on the "Heroes of Neverwinter - Accept Gifts.ahk" script. It will ask you, "How many gifts to auto accept?"

The question basically tells the script when to stop. It's ok if your answer is more than the amount of gifts you actually got. The script will harmlessly click away until all the gifts has been accepted.

While this script is running, you can't do anything else with your computer, because it controls your mouse. You can cancel this script by activating another program while it's clicking away.


This script has been tested on Google Chrome 14.0.835.186 and Firefox 6.0.2. This script may need adjustment on other browsers.

Rules for this script to work

1. The entire Heroes of Neverwinter game must be visible in the browser window.

2. The game must be running in windowed mode, rather than full screen mode.

3. The vertical scrollbar must be in the full up position.

4. The horizontal scrollbar must be in the full left position.

5. The browser must show only the tabs bar and the navigation bar. No other tool bars can be visible.

If you do not want to follow any of these listed rules, you'll have to customize the script to your browser.

Attached File: Heroes of Neverwinter - Accept Gifts.ahk (2 KB)

Sun, 25 Sep 2011 07:52:00 +0000

Great work, this will save me loads of time each day

Dale Peacock-Price
Sun, 25 Sep 2011 08:57:35 +0000

I missed a rule:

6. Resize the browser so that it's just big enough to contain the full game. There should be no excess white space on the left or right side of the browser.

Tue, 27 Sep 2011 06:38:33 +0000

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Title: Heroes of Neverwinter - Send Gifts
Weblog: Cynosure.X International
Excerpt: This AutoHotkey script sends gifts to all your friends in the "Heroes of Neverwinter" Facebook app for you. With this script, you won't have to tediously clicking through a series of sequence to send gifts. This script sends two gifts to each of your friends. You will need to install the AutoHotkey . . .
Tracked: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 08:02:52 +0000

Title: Heroes of Neverwinter - Grinding Without Actually Grinding
Weblog: Quest RPG
Excerpt: One reason to play the Heroes of Neverwinter on Facebook is to reach level 10. What's so great about reaching level 10? That's when you gain access to the Dungeon Workshop, where you can create your own adventures. Surely, those of us who have been Dungeon Master before can't wait to gain access to . . .
Tracked: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 05:06:29 +0000

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