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For the longest time, I have this Print Crop Tool on my HP 48 calculator. As a photographer, this tool is extremely handy for calculating the crop size of a ...
A few days ago, I came across TakeControlOf.zip, which contained a very small TakeControlOf.cmd batch file. There were only two lines in this simple batch file ...
I found a bug with "IsDirectory.bat" where it couldn't recognize "..\" as a directory. And it couldn't recognize drives (e.g. "e:\") as directories. I've ...
It's easy to extract all files from a ZIP archive with the unzip utility. But it can be much more difficult to extract a single file; especially in a large ...
So I had to update the SetVariableToOutput.bat script to write its temporary files to the temporary directory specified by the Windows environment variable % ...
To make your life easier, we have written a Windows batch script to enable the NTP server. The "Start NTP Server.cmd" batch script is attached below. Download ...
"HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" is a Windows batch program that can helps you determine whether your script is running as administrator or not. "HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" ...
cmd" is Windows batch program that elevates a script or program to admin level. This script does the same thing as you right-clicking on a program and select " ...
HasNUL.bat returns "true" if the NUL device exists, while it returns "false" if the NUL device doesn't exist. The following is an example of using HasNUL.bat in ...