This NWN Characters Cleaner for Windows software will clean up your characters for you. After running "NWN Characters Cleaner", you will have only two ...
"Open Command Prompt.cmd" is Windows batch program that opens a Command Prompt to any directory you specify. If you do not specify a directory, then it just ...
"RunAsAdministrator.cmd" is Windows batch program that elevates a script or program to admin level. This script does the same thing as you right-clicking on a ...
DirectoryHasFile.sh is a Bourne Shell script that helps your custom shell scripts determine whether the specified directory contains any files. This script ...
"DriveLabel.bat" is a batch file that returns the label given a drive letter. "DriveLetter.bat" takes advantage of the following batch files, which are also ...
MarkOriginal.bat is a Windows batch program that allows you to execute the Java version of MarkOriginal easily through the Windows GUI interface. Please take a ...
"HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" is a Windows batch program that can helps you determine whether your script is running as administrator or not. "HasAdminPrivilege.cmd" ...
This "basename.bat" is a Windows batch program that performs the same function as as the UNIX "basename" command. And that function is to strip the parent ...
IsDirectory.bat is a Windows batch program that can help determine if a specified path is a directory or not. IsDirectory.bat outputs 1 (for true) when the ...