Unary expressions are often used to examine the status of a file. There are string operators as well, and numeric comparison operators. File operators: -a FILE ...
You can use it to test the validity of user input, etc. This script outputs a '1' for true and a '0' for false. IsNumber.sh is distributed as executable ...
"IsAlphabetic.bat" is a batch file that checks to see if a string is alphabetic. "IsAlphabetic.bat" takes advantage of the following batch file, which is also ...
test · time · times · trap · true · type · typeset · ulimit · umask · unalias · unset · until · variables · wait · while · {. Products | Services · Forums | ...
This script has been tested on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. "Start NTP Server.cmd" takes advantage of the following batch files. They are also available on ...
UI Demo in MDILet. This is to test MDILet that comes with SUN's java wireless took kit and how it runs on IBM's MIDP Emulator, installed on verizon wireless ...
"Switch Mouse Buttons" is a small Windows utility to switch the mouse buttons for left-handed and right-handed use. It's handy when you switch your mouse ...
In the future, I will explain how to use the Mysaifu JVM with specific Java application. Chieh Cheng Mon, 18 Sep 2006 19:25:39 -0700. Have you tested this with ...