"IsScriptRunning.sh" is a Bourne shell script that helps you determine whether another script is already running. If it finds the script you specified on the ...
Token.sh is a command-line shell script utility that will help you parse tokens from a line of input. The tokens are delimited by white spaces (any number of ...
Digits.sh is a Bourne Shell script that helps your custom shell scripts determine how many digits is supplied in the argument. When a valid number is entered on ...
bat is a Windows batch program that sets a variable to the output of an execution. With it, you can use the output of another program with your batch file.
"RunAsAdministrator.cmd" is Windows batch program that elevates a script or program to admin level. This script does the same thing as you right-clicking on a ...
IsHostAlive.sh is a Bourne Shell script that helps you determine whether a network host is on and responding to network pings. This script will return 1 or 0, ...
To make your life easier, we have written a Windows batch script to enable the NTP server. The "Start NTP Server.cmd" batch script is attached below. Download ...
TakeControlOf.cmd is a Windows Vista batch program that helps you regain ownership and full permission to any file or directory. You have to be part of the ...
bat is a Windows batch program that can help determine if a specified path is a directory or not. IsDirectory.bat outputs 1 (for true) when the command-line ...
Feb 2, 2020 · Update the software to be more reliable across different versions of Windows. Category: Batch · Comments (15) | Related Links | TrackBack (1).