TakeControlOf.cmd is a Windows Vista batch program that helps you regain ownership and full permission to any file or directory. You have to be part of the ...
SetNumberOfArguments.bat (GPL). SetNumberOfArguments.bat is a Windows batch program that counts how many parameters are on the command-line.
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Go to any web page with a Java applet on it, such as the Print Crop Tool. You can install the JRE simply by click on a Java applet, where it says, "Click here ...
When the operation fails, PHP provides a warning or a error message. But that message is shown to the web user and may contain sensitive information that you ...
COLOR. Sets the default console foreground and background colors. COLOR [attr] attr Specifies color attribute of console output Color attributes are ...
"Restart RDPCLIP.cmd" is Windows batch program that kills the RDPCLIP.EXE process and restarts it for the current user (the user that executed the script). You ...
SetVariableToOutput.bat is a Windows batch program that sets a variable to the output of an execution. With it, you can use the output of another program with ...
This allows you to see if a setting was set in multiple places. See the Group ... was run on. Examples: GPRESULT GPRESULT /USER targetusername /V GPRESULT /S ...
ENDLOCAL. Ends localization of environment changes in a batch file. Environment changes made after ENDLOCAL has been issued are not local to the batch file; ...
Most folks don't realize it, but you can actually place multiple statements into if-else clauses. In fact, most people don't even realize that the batch file ...