This page lists the plug-ins that are available for Power Explorer. If you would like to create Power Explorer plug-ins, please refer to the "How to Write Power ...
Power Explorer is a free File Explorer replacement for Windows Mobile and Pocket PC. Power Explorer is extremely powerful in that you can expand its ...
Power Explorer is a free software that you can use without any charge. So download away and use it to manage your files and directories. There is no support, no ...
If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it to the MyInk Wiki. Consider, instead, to submit it the Cynosure.X International ...
This form allows you to attach a file to a MyInk wiki document page. You can attach any file to your wiki document, such as images. The attached files will show ...
TakeControl is a free, easy-to-use software that gives you full-administration rights to any file or any directory. It works on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 8, ...
Wiki · Up a Directory · Cyrah Documentation · Pocket PC and Windows Mobile · SleepWatcher · Universal Card Game · Android Apps Frequently Asked Questions FAQ · Android ...
Specifies that you want to change to the parent directory. Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive. Type CD without parameters to ...
Version 1.0. Initial release of TakeControl. This version allows you to take control of individual files/directories or the entire directory content at once.
IsDirectory.bat is a Windows batch program that can help determine if a specified path is a directory or not. IsDirectory.bat outputs 1 (for true) when ...