DirectoryHasFile.sh is a Bourne Shell script that helps your custom shell scripts determine whether the specified directory contains any files. This script ...
SetVariableToOutput.bat is a Windows batch program that sets a variable to the output of an execution. With it, you can use the output of another program with ...
"ConvertTableTabs2HTML.bash" is an UNIX BASH script that helps you convert tab separated value data into a table in HTML format. The results can be sent to the ...
A few days ago, I came across TakeControlOf.zip, which contained a very small TakeControlOf.cmd batch file. There were only two lines in this simple batch file ...
Multi-Line IF Statements in Batch File. Most folks don't realize it, but you can actually place multiple statements into if-else clauses.
"DriveLabel.bat" is a batch file that returns the label given a drive letter. "DriveLetter.bat" takes advantage of the following batch files, which are also ...
This "IsHostAlive.bat" is a Windows batch program that determines whether a host computer or network device is alive. It does the check by sending a ping to the ...
IsOdd.sh determines whether the number you specify on the command-line is an odd number. If so, it outputs an '1', otherwise it outputs a '0'. IsOdd.
bat is a Windows batch program that can help determine if a specified path is a directory or not. IsDirectory.bat outputs 1 (for true) when the command-line ...
This online PDB Doc utility helps you convert any text file into Palm OS Doc files and vise-versa. The Palm OS Doc file is a standard text format for the ...