DirectoryHasFile.sh is a Bourne Shell script that helps your custom shell scripts determine whether the specified directory contains any files. This script ...
bat script to write its temporary files to the temporary directory specified by the Windows environment variable %temp%. The new version of SetVariableToOutput.
ZipDiff.sh is a Bourne shell script that compares two ZIP files and provides you the content difference. It takes advantage of the GetTempPathName.ksh (GPL) ...
cmd" is Windows batch program that elevates a script or program to admin level. This script does the same thing as you right-clicking on a program and select " ...
If /EXE is specified, only files compressed as executables will be uncompressed; if this is omitted, only NTFS compressed files will be uncompressed. /S ...
It only takes one parameter on the command-line with no error checking. Nevertheless, it's a very powerful script. So I want to improve it by adding error ...
"DriveLabel.bat" is a batch file that returns the label given a drive letter. "DriveLetter.bat" takes advantage of the following batch files, which are also ...
It's easy to extract all files from a ZIP archive with the unzip utility. But it can be much more difficult to extract a single file; especially in a large ...
This "basename.bat" is a Windows batch program that performs the same function as as the UNIX "basename" command. And that function is to strip the parent ...
This "dirname.bat" is a Windows batch program that performs the same function as as the UNIX "dirname" command. And that function is to strip the child name ...